News — StealThisLook
Steal This Look: Tools for an Organized Closet
Closets ClosetShelving StealThisLook Storage

Above: Photograph by Matthew Williams for Remodelista: The Organized Home. My closet doesn’t look like this—not even close—but there are resourceful ideas in this well-ordered walk-in that anyone, with any kind of closet, can replicate. Best part—none of it costs too much. The key is to have the proper accessories: bins, baskets, and dividers to assist you in keeping your closet neat and functional. And don’t stick to just the wardrobe storage section of stores: Look at products designed for the kitchen, bathroom, and home office as well. Wire Gym Baskets Above: One of our perennial favorites, The Container Store’s...
Steal This Look: Tools for an Organized Closet
Closets ClosetShelving StealThisLook Storage

Above: Photograph by Matthew Williams for Remodelista: The Organized Home. My closet doesn’t look like this—not even close—but there are resourceful ideas in this well-ordered walk-in that anyone, with any kind of closet, can replicate. Best part—none of it costs too much. The key is to have the proper accessories: bins, baskets, and dividers to assist you in keeping your closet neat and functional. And don’t stick to just the wardrobe storage section of stores: Look at products designed for the kitchen, bathroom, and home office as well. Wire Gym Baskets Above: One of our perennial favorites, The Container Store’s...