News — drivesmecrazy
You heard yesterday about the tale of getting severe dust allergy diagnoses for two of my four kids and all the cleaning routines we had to implement to try to give some relief to their nasal passages without medication.
Allergies drivesmecrazy dustdisaster EnvironmentalAllergies NaturalCleaners NaturalHealth

Friends whose kids also had dust allergies had major advice for me right away, typically in two categories: “Get the drops – they’re amazing.” “Clear out everything from their rooms – it makes an incredible difference!” And all the online sources of information agreed: No stuffed animals in the room, period. Well, shucks. Where are all the toys and books going to go? I didn’t really want more stuff in the common areas of my house, and our basement, yet to be finished, just isn’t a cozy place to play. It seemed like a major sacrifice for everyone to strip both...