News — howtoorganizeakitchencabinet
Recent Amazon Purchases
It’s been a while since my last Amazon round-up (here) & several of you requested that I make this a recurring series. So, I am going to do my best to share these more often because I know how much I love seeing what other Prime deals people are finding!… #howtoorganizeakitchencabinet
08/21/2019 08/21/2019 We started by writing up the adventure log 'intrigue' tab where most evidence will be stored. This is divided into actors, organizations and plots. The organization view comes complete with graph visualizations showing names and roles and assoc… #howtoorganizeakitchencabinet
08/07/2019 08/07/2019 The necessary map work I was set to do this week is now mostly completed. That included bandit and mercenary forts, merchant company counting houses, guildhalls, monasteries, and improved necromancer towers. The necros still need a bit of work,… #howtoorganizeakitchencabinet
My Toolbox, by Richard T.
I’m now 71 years old, and I have had a toolbox ever since my dad helped me build my first one when I was about 12. He cut all the parts on a homemade tablesaw that he had built out of an old washing machine motor and plywood. He showed me how to nail the part… #howtoorganizeakitchencabinet
08/01/2019 08/01/2019 August's report. The Future of the Fortress: part 1, part 2. As we finished off the month, which is mostly an administrative period, there was also a last bit of tangentry and excitement over in necro and demon land. Summons were expanded to i… #howtoorganizeakitchencabinet