08/01/2019 August's report. The Future of the Fortress: part 1, part 2. As we finished off the month, which is mostly an administrative period, there was also a last bit of tangentry and excitement over in necro and demon land. Summons were expanded to i… #howtoorganizeakitchencabinet
08/01/2019 August's report. The Future of the Fortress: part 1, part 2. As we finished off the month, which is mostly an administrative period, there was also a last bit of tangentry and excitement over in necro and demon land. Summons were expanded to i… #howtoorganizeakitchencabinet
08/01/2019 August's report. The Future of the Fortress: part 1, part 2. As we finished off the month, which is mostly an administrative period, there was also a last bit of tangentry and excitement over in necro and demon land. Summons were expanded to i… #howtoorganizeakitchencabinet
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