Weekend homeschool links: July 29th

So thrilled to finally be reading Caroline Starr Rose’s hot-off-the-press mid-grade novel,
a thrilling mystery perfect for you and your kids ages 10+!

Weekend homeschool links:

Featured Sponsors:

Looking for the motivation to get more reading in before summer ends? Sonlight, a literature-based curriculum for grades PreK-12th, is offering a free summer reading contest!

Have your children read books and they can win a Sonlight t-shirt! Find out more about Sonlight’s nurturing curriculum and get the contest guidelines/materials here.

We have another fabulous new sponsor to welcome today: Popular Book Company! They specialize in high-quality educational workbooks & resources for PreK thru grade 6.

I discovered early on in our homeschool many years ago that interest-led learning is fabulous, but sometimes, you just need a simple, well-designed workbook. The ones from Popular Book Company include math, English, and science, and all US orders receive free shipping and 25% off!

This post contains affiliate links, which means Simple Homeschool receives a small commission from some of the links on this page.

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