Canada’s Wars: An Illustrated History

A book review of Canada’s Wars: An Illustrated History by Jonathon Webb

A book review of Canada's Wars: An Illustrated History by Jonathon Webb

Stars: ****

Scholastic (2010)
Children’s Nonfiction>History
128 pages

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This post contains affiliate links.

Summary: Canada has fought in many wars, and the war in Afghanistan has brought young people a new awareness of their terrible cost. Canada’s Wars is a timely history of the honourable effort that has led Canadians to fight for freedom on foreign soil. From the Nile Expedition of 1884 and Canada’s major participation in two World Wars to the vital role Canada played with UN forces in Korea and in peacekeeping operations, Canada’s Wars is the stirring account of Canadian military engagements on land, on sea, and in the air.

Canada’s Wars balance an overview of the wars with detailed stories of combat and the home front, and of individuals both well-known and unsung. The gripping narrative, combined with stunning photographs and paintings, archival posters and artifacts, vividly brings Canada’s military history to life. Readers of all ages will be left with a renewed appreciation of the valour, sense of duty, and selflessness of the Canadians who fought and died for their country.

Canada’s Wars: An Illustrated History

I wanted this book because I homeschool and my highschooler will be doing history this year. I thought a Scholastic book would be a more interesting way of learning about our contribution to the wars than just reading a textbook.

I’m NOT a history lover. Well that’s not true. I like microhistories (history of specific things) but when it comes to wars, my eyes glaze over. I can’t say that reading this book made me love reading about war but it was definitely more interesting than it was in highschool. The full colour photographs, illustrations and propaganda posters really help hit home what it was like.

The book covers Going to War, The Boer War, The Great War, the Rise of Fascism, The World at War, The Cold War, Korea, Peacekeeping, The Gulf War, Peace Enforcement and the Age of Terror.

This will make a good addition to your homeschool room or your school library.

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