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56 of Our All-Time Favorite Kitchen Cabinet Ideas, From Layouts to Door Style
Design KitchenCabinets Renovation SEO Stories

s We’ve seen renovators do just about everything to their kitchen cabinets: Start over with completely custom frames, replace the doors with modern fronts, paint directly over dated wood—you name it. Every change done in the name of creating a space that brings you joy makes a difference, no matter how small (you won’t believe what swapping out the hardware can do). From all the home tours and DIYs we’ve shared, we’ve accrued quite a bit of knowledge on the matter of revamping cupboards. So we decided to gather all our favorite kitchen cabinet ideas, from the best paint swatches...
13 Ways to Declutter Your Home This Month
Cleaning MarieKondo Organization SmallSpaceStorageSolution Stories

It’s January, which means it’s officially the time of year when we all collectively start to think about decluttering. And while this resolve tends to waver come March, it doesn’t have to. You just need the right tools. We’re not about to tell you that you have to buy a million new things to get your life in order, but picking up a few key pieces to organize your home is a good way to start small and make a monumental task feel doable without having to invite Marie Kondo over. To prove it can be done, we’ve picked our...