It’s that time of year again! Time to share our homeschool curriculum plan for the 2021-2022 school year! I don’t write about homeschooling very regularly these days, but I wanted to continue the yearly tradition of sharing our homeschool curriculum plan at the start of the school year.
This year will be our 19th year of homeschooling. I can’t believe we’re so close to 20 years of home education! The years truly have flown by so quickly.
Our oldest two children have graduated from our homeschool (having homeschooled the whole way through), and we have our third senior this year.
Every year gets a bit more emotional for me with all the changes, and all the children growing up. Last year was our last experience with the elementary grades. This year we have two in high school and one in junior high. We have a senior, a tenth grader, and a sixth grader.
Our homeschool curriculum doesn’t look much different than it did last year, as we’re continuing on with many of the same things this year.
I’ll walk through our choices below, but first, let’s talk about homeschool curriculum planning.
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