December Photo Album

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We had most of our Christmas decorations up near the beginning of the month, and enjoyed all kinds of seasonal fun and family time.

I finally managed to get photos (low quality, but photos all the same!) of blue jays and woodpeckers at our feeders!

The hubby and I went over to Catoctin Furnace one Saturday for the historical society's Christmas mart. It was very interesting, and a beautiful day for the outing. We happened to meet old friends of ours while there, which was a pleasant surprise. I had a wreath custom made and was so pleased with how it turned out.

We were able to attend Kennady's music department recital (she was amazing!) and then also the Advent Concert at the university. The concert featured the wind ensemble and the chorus. Beautiful building, beautiful music.

One Saturday Landon and Meaghan hosted a holiday party and we made gingerbread houses. I don't think I've ever decorated my own gingerbread house before. Seriously.

This happened with our vehicle - milestone!

Scenes from home - pretty decorations and some silliness.

We also went down to Carroll Creek to see the 'boat show' - small boats in the canal decorated for the season:

I celebrated a birthday, and we finally got a little bit of snow that day!

Hubby had the last week of the year off work, so we used one day to paint the basement, and are finishing the year by having Christmas Round 2 with our son and his family.

Happy New Year!! See you in 2022!!

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