Wonder Math Review: Storytelling, Pre-Teaching, Live Lessons & Rewards!

Explore Wonder Math, the revolutionary Math Tuition Website, where storytelling intertwines with live teaching, pre-teaching, and real incentives. This Wonder Math review unveils an innovative approach that transforms the learning experience, captivating students and revolutionizing math education. At Wonder Math, storytelling captivates young minds, making learning a truly immersive experience. Live Teaching sessions provide personalized attention, fostering a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. Pre-Teaching offers students a head start on upcoming topics, empowering them with confidence and proficiency. Additionally, real incentives motivate and reward students as they progress through the curriculum. Join me as we explore the remarkable world of...
The Path to Becoming a School Librarian

For the past six years, I’ve been lucky enough to work as a school librarian at a school serving students in grades 6 through 12. While, of course, no job is without its hard days, I am lucky enough to love what I do and to connect with others in school librarianship. School librarians come from a variety of educational and career backgrounds, and enter the profession at a wide variety of ages. If you’re interested in how to become a school librarian or are just curious about how the process works, keep reading for a guide on education, career...
Homeschooling: Unleashing the Potential of Kids with Executive Function Challenges

[TAG0] Homeschooling: Unleashing the Potential of Kids with Executive Function Challenges ~ Written by Colleen Kessler from Raising Lifelong Learners We all know that executive function skills are super important for our children’s success in organizing, planning, managing time, and more. But what about those kids who struggle with these skills? Here’s some great news: homeschooling can be a game-changer for them! There are so many ways homeschooling can benefit children with executive function challenges, giving them the chance to develop and strengthen these skills in a supportive and personalized environment. Personalized Learning Picture this: instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, homeschooling...
Summer Jobs

Whenever possible, teenagers older than 14 should get a summer job. Homeschoolers are no exception. Unless your child is taking a full load of classes through the summer, a job is the perfect learning opportunity. So many skills develop as teenagers interact with the real world and make money. It also helps with keeping a routine going through the summer weeks. It is much easier to say, “Let’s wake up at 7am so that we can have breakfast at 7:30am and then leave by 8:00am so we can get to work by 8:30am,” than to say, “Let’s wake up at...
Using Learning Centers for at Home Preschool

Preschool learning centers turn simple preschool learning activities into a preschool curriculum. Click to read the post Using Learning Centers for at Home Preschool on The Stay-at-Home-Mom Survival Guide.