Year In Review: Favorites of 2021

Year In Review: Favorites of 2021

Just the highlights, please! Here’s all my favorite posts, home projects, books, and finds from the past year.

Today I read an article that outlined the highlights of 2021. Let’s just say it was a short list. When the high point of the year is a lawyer accidentally zooming into court as a cat, you know it’s been a rough year.

That being said, this year did have some personal high points as you’ll see below. And I have YOU to thank for that; because of the amazing support of the Making Lemonade community I was able to homeschool my son (and virtual school my daughter with special needs), take care of my health, and run a business that grew more this year than ever before.

Parenting during a pandemic is not for the faint of heart, but this blog of mine allowed me to do so with plenty of room for grace. Juggling full-time work with schooling my kids was quite an adventure, and I know so many of you can relate.

But no matter the circumstances, the Making Lemonade community SHOWED UP. Every time you read a post or clicked a link, each time you bought a digital binder or enrolled in a course, all your shares of my posts by pinning on Pinterest or engaging on Instagram, whenever you signed up as a Making Lemonade Insider and opened an email… ALL of those actions, both big and small, support this blog and my small business.

Continue reading Year In Review: Favorites of 2021 at Making Lemonade.

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