Using Picture Books To Teach Biography Writing

Using Picture Books To Teach Biography Writing

Living literature isn’t just for reading – it’s also great for teaching writing styles!  Serious writing lessons don’t start in our homeschool until middle and high school, but believe it or not, I use picture books quite often to help me teach.

Since picture books can be read in one sitting, they are perfect examples of really good writing from master writers.  Of course, you have to make sure you’re reading books actually written by master writers (not twaddle.)  And that’s what I’ve set out to share with you in this series – books that are perfect for teaching various writing styles!

The writing focus of this article is biographies.  Wait, did I hear a “Yuck!”??  If you’re children are reading this, I’m pretty sure I heard several of them!  Historically, biographies are not very fun to read – and definitely not fun to write.

The word “boring” comes to mind when I think about reading most biographies.  And, the words “research” and “bibliography” come to mind when I think about writing biographies.  None of those words strike the fancy of most students (or their parents.)

I’m here to change all that deary talk today, though!

Continue reading Using Picture Books To Teach Biography Writing at Our Journey Westward.

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