there’s nothing like the heavenly aroma of...

 ...cookies baking.

Beautiful, right?
A triple batch, the first two pans made with no chocolate chips, just sprinkles on top.  I started this a few years back for Miss Camille, who doesn't like the chocolate chips (?!), and the other kids agree that they're actually really good.  The cookies are darker than usual because I didn't have enough white sugar.  My recipe is for twice the brown as white anyway, but this was even more than that.

This fine morning, Miss Charlotte Claire got on the bus and went to her first day of eleventh grade.  I didn't take a pic of her with one of those little chalkboards, but I did tear up when the bus drove away.  We had a good summer.  Camille has started her homeschooling already, but oh dear, the house is quiet.  Sonja K. is gone to college already this morning.

It's easy to be deceived that things would be better "if".  

If I had a brand new house, new flooring, new countertops, new furniture, new vacuum cleaner.  There are good reasons for all these things, and life might actually be a bit nicer, there is some truth to that.  I mean, our big couch is getting really old, we have to keep it covered in blankets, which I change out and wash more than once a week, and straighten daily...multiple times, most days.  I dislike the look, I dislike the constant maintenance, but the couch is comfortable, it's well built, and we have Labradors who, unfortunately, like to get up there and get them all furry.  So a new couch would be nice, but the dogs would ruin it anyway.  Our other couch is the leather one from the thrift store, it has a few tears in it, isn't awful yet, but it's getting there.  

Jeepers, I can't stay on point to save my life.  My point is to be thankful for what you have, and to make do!  I mean, I can whine and pine, or I can do what I can to make things nice.  I had this thought the other day, out of the blue, a thought of a beautiful house, with tons of huge windows and so much light, oh how I would love and adore living in a home like that...maybe even with double ovens, so I could bake in half the time...or two ovens!  Then I pictured myself in my own house, being thankful and happy, and I realized that is what is beautiful.  

But yesterday, I had an idea.  We have valances on the kitchen windows,  and I thought to change them out to white sheer curtains...I had ordered some for Charlotte Claire, as she changed rooms recently...they were only $5 a panel from Target.  I had Camille climb up on the bench to see how they would look, as we haven't put them up in Char's room yet...

I think they might be pretty!   I went on Target, and they were on sale for $3.50!  And the curtain rods I wanted were on sale too!  So, for very little money, we will have a new look.  Will we love it?  I don't know!

Then I started thinking about painting the stools at the counter...maybe, maybe not.  I do have to get the paint to repaint the upper cabinets, the lower ones look so spiffy.  

It's time to bring Miss Cam to PT, then we're stopping at the library, and the store...our meal plan is simple this week:  chicken and rice bowls (cauliflower rice for me!), with broccoli tonight, pot pie tomorrow, and pork chops with apples and squash on Thursday.  The girls are going camping for the weekend, Paul is returning from Hungary on Saturday...anyway, off I go!

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