Teaching children to be kind online

Teaching children to be kind online

212: Teaching children to be kind online

Vicki Tillman is a veteran homeschool mom and a trained counselor and in this episode she shares ideas on teaching children to be kind online.

Topics covered include:

1) Why should we intentionally teach young people to be kind online?
2) When should we teach them to be kind online?
3) What are some guidelines for kindness to think about sharing with kids?
4) What should they do if they experience unkindness online?
5) What should they do if they slip up and act unkindly online?

Where you can find Vicki

Vicki Tillman is a fellow podcast host and you can listen to her on The Homeschool Highschool Podcast. Vicki also develops curriculum and is a homeschool coach at 7 Sisters Homeschool.

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Teaching children to be kind online

The post Teaching children to be kind online appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.

HWT_212_TeachingChildrentobeKindOnline.mp3 (19:47, 20MB)

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