A mother’s job is never done, especially when she homeschools. But, these homeschool mom summer tasks should help you feel less frazzled in the day-to-day and enter a new school year with organization and refreshment.
Summer is a wonderful time in every childhood – weeks on end of late nights, fireflies, the smell of sunscreen, pools, sprinklers, watermelon, mosquito bites, and faces full of freckles. Memories are made, adventures are had, and children are given the freedom to commit to the most important of tasks – play. Hot days and cold drinks mean our children get to rest, explore, and take a much-needed break from workbooks and rough drafts.
Summer doesn’t really mean the same thing for us homeschooling moms, though.
Sure, we can sleep in if we want the kids allow it and we can enjoy the sun and sprinklers with the kiddos. But someone’s got to make sure they put on their sunscreen, eat more than popsicles for lunch, and keep them from attacking one another.
We are granted the privilege of more relaxed summer days and a front-row seat to our children’s memories, but there’s still work to be done.
Continue reading Summer Tasks for the Homeschooling Mom at Our Journey Westward. |