It is not uncommon for children to have hearing loss, and for their parents not to realize that is the chase for quite a long time, After all, a child will naturally assume that their normal levels of hearing are just that: normal. They won’t know that they should be able to hear much more than they can, so they do not think to alert their parents.
With that in mind, below are some common signs of hearing loss in children that you should look out for if you think your child may be experiencing hearing issues:
Sensitivity to noise
If your child covers their ears a lot or, looks like they are distressed when loud noises are made around them, it could be a sign that they are experiencing hearing loss or even tinnitus. Although there is no hearing loss or tinnitus cure, they can be made much more comfortable with the right treatment from a qualified audiologist.
Inability to concentrate
When a child has hearing loss, they cannot always hear what you are saying to them, which means they will often sone out and not concentrate when you are speaking to them. This can often be misdiagnosed as a naughty child with an oppositional disorder, but once the hearing loss is treated, they will typically become a model child again.
They turn the volume up

We all like to listen to loud music from time to time but if you have notices that your child always has the volume on the TV or iPad up really high, higher than your other children, for example, this is a clear indicator that they may need to have it that loud because they cannot hear as well as they should.
Their studies suffer
Children who experience sudden hearing loss will often be unable to meet the same educational standards that they once did. Their grades at school will fall, or if you homeschool, you will notice that they are not putting the same effort and attention into their work as they used to. This is often put down to laziness or a lack of intelligence when really, it is simply a matter of the child not being able to hear what they are being taught.
They shout
Children who cannot hear what someone else is saying to them will often shout or speak louder in a bit to hear and be understood. They don’t realize that shouting will not help them to hear any better. They aren’t benign rude, they are just struggling with their aural health.
They are acting different
Sometimes, a parent just knows something is wrong, so if you have your suspicions and they are acting a bit different, get their hearing checked out.
If you spot any of the issues with your child, then it does not definitely mean they have hearing loss, but it is definitely something you should have checked out because hearing loss can make it much more difficult for children to meet their developmental milestones.
The post Signs Your Child Could Have Hearing Loss appeared first on The Fashionable Housewife.