Share Four Somethings - November 2022

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I wondered when I would squeeze in some time to share Something Loved, Something Gleaned, Something Braved/Saved and Something Achieved for the month. It has been a whirlwind, especially this final weekend of November when we enjoyed a family Thanksgiving and packed up to move. Let's see what I can sum up here . . .

Something Loved

The love shown to us by our family, our friends, and our church when we started sharing the news that we'd decided to accept a job offer that meant a move was so incredible. It made it even harder to say good-bye, but all the prayers and good wishes also encouraged us. 

Our kids adjusted plans and helped us with packing and moving, and they will also be living all together in our house for now. Landon and Meaghan want to eventually buy the house from us, but for the foreseeable future, they are moving back in and excited that they will be together with Spencer and Kennady again. Our oldest son and his family live in Ohio, about twenty minutes away from our new place, and they were excited to have us close by. We're happy to be able to spend time with them more often. Spencer took time off work to come out and help us unload the moving truck. I can hardly wait to go visit the Maryland family for Christmas!

After I announced the upcoming move to my co-op people, I was able to find tutors to take over my classes, and then the Board, tutors, parents, and students surprised me with a farewell lunch and generous gift basket on my last day. 

We'd already planned a Bonus Tracks concert at church, and it turned out to be the night before my husband and I left for him to start the new job. So we went ahead and did the concert as a 'Farewell Tour' and were delighted to have so many friends show up. Our church family also blessed us with a generous gift on our last Sunday. 

Something Gleaned

Earlier this year, my friend Jerralea wrote a series on her blog about living A Rich And Satisfying Life. You can see the recap post she wrote after completing the series with some highlights HERE. Many of these posts resonated with me, but here are a couple that have been really encouraging and helpful to me during this time of upheaval, purging belongings, and moving:

We tend to take our blessings for granted when things are going well, don't we? It gets easy to be complacent and not be intentional about living our best life when we are already living a pretty good life. This post talked about that!
By all means, let's enjoy the life God gave us, remembering all the while this is just the prelude to a heavenly adventure surpassing anything the world has to offer.

When everything falls apart, or goes a really different direction than I'd planned or anticipated (yeah, happened to us twice this year), I wonder how it's ever going to be good again. 
However, this series is about clearing out the clutter both physically and mentally that keeps us from having a rich and satisfying life. I can say the lessons learned from devastation has helped us see the abundant life we already have and motivates us to reclaim it and make it even better.

This one. Whoa. I've known this in my head, but over the past few weeks I've had to actually address the raft of clutter and it was no fun.
Clearing out clutter is one of the most liberating, yet difficult, chores of all.
Preach, sister!

I was working on this new kind of nesting already - empty nesting - but now that we are building a new nest, I'm taking a hard look at what stuff I need here and what my goals are.
My goal is to simplify my home to make room for more in my schedule: my writing, studying, dreaming, and more visiting with my people. I do not want housework to get in the way . . . I don't want to give the impression my nest is not important to me. Just the opposite; my home is my haven and my favorite place to be . . . I do like my sentimental items. I just feel less stuff in the home will be calming and comforting and easy to organize.

Something Braved or Something Saved

Okay, I braved a lot of good-byes and a big move, but that's what this whole post is about, it seems. So here's something interesting I saved - the Google Doodle honoring Marie Tharp. Here's a screenshot - click on it to find out more!

And this was just funny so I couldn't resist:

Something Achieved

At risk of repeating myself, I feel like it was quite an achievement for me to navigate this move and new beginning. I've had to power through fear and anxiety and just feeling overwhelmed, as well as the frustration of house-hunting and keeping track of all the bits of information going in all directions while tackling a to-do list that just seems to get longer every time I check something off it!

One of the first things I did was set up a temporary coffee bar:

As of yesterday morning the living and dining areas looked like this:

As of this morning, the spare room/office had reached this point:

We'll get there! I'm really anxious to achieve my goal of getting some new furniture, but first I have to get the stuff we have organized.

Right this moment, I need to go achieve something else - making dinner with the basic pantry and grocery supplies that I have on hand; and then after dinner I'll get back to the tasks of putting things in some kind of order here. 

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