Review: Jonathan Park

Jonathan Park

I heard wonderful things about the audio drama called Jonathan Park – The Adventure Begins Series 1 since my older kids were little.  We were finally able to check out these cds in the past few months and now I regret not trying them out sooner!

About the Product:


This 4-CD Series pack includes over five hours of audio adventures!  The Original Series contains nine albums and is recommended for ages 7-13.   In each album, you will hear as Jonathan and his friends travel around the world and find evidence of creation according to the Bible.

Audio dramas are basically like story-telling with sound effects and different character voices.  Unlike an audio book, audio dramas include everything you need to hear in order to feel like you are present with what is happening.  You may hear waves crashing on the beach, wind blowing, water dripping, footsteps, and more.


Synopsis of The Adventure Begins Series:

While running from a storm, Jonathan and his father collide with the Brenan family as they seek shelter in a hidden cave. After discovering a massive dinosaur graveyard, these two families combine forces to build a creation science museum to spread the message of the Creator!

  • The Evolutionary Tree
  • Convergent Evolution
  • The Laws of Energy
  • Design of the Water Cycle
  • Returning Good for Evil – 1 Peter 3:3 & 9
  • Showing Kindness – Gal. 6:10
  • Consequence of Sin

Our Thoughts:

We listened to Jonathan Park when we were traveling to and from the beach in Florida.  It was a fantastic way to pass the hours on the road and made the time fly by while we were driving.  The whole family enjoyed the series!  My 7 year old absolutely loved listening to the characters and their friends as they found the dinosaur skull.  There were several points made about dinosaurs and the Bible that we hadn’t considered and it made for a wonderful time of discussion with our children.  Since our trip, the kids have taken turns listening to the adventures of Jonathan as they go to sleep or during family quiet time.  I’ve heard them bring up several points from the series in conversations with others!  Although we are new to Jonathan Park, I believe other albums will be on the Christmas lists this upcoming holiday season!

Special Offer:

The Adventure Begins (Series 1) is currently discounted by nearly 60% on website!  You can score free shipping in the US when you use code jpcrew22.

For More Information:

For more information, please visit Jonathan Park website or their Facebook page.  Listening samples are available for each volume on their website if you want to check it out before committing to purchase.

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Children's Audio Stories

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