Our baby is here! George Henry was born at home on Friday evening weighing in at 9lbs 14oz!!!!
Big brothers Peter and John were there to enjoy the special moment with us. All of his siblings are totally crazy about him . . . especially 2-year-old Harry who loves to hold him and check on him all the time.
I'm mostly hanging out in my room bonding with George, resting, and eating. From past experience, I know that all this quiet time with George will make me more able to return to full-time duties, including the start of our regular homeschool lessons, with more patience and energy. We are so thankful that Matt is able to focus on keeping things going at home and taking care of me . . . made possible with lots of help from family, friends, and our postpartum doula.
I still have my last homeschool planning post to publish about Peter's homeschool year but it was already written beforehand. I wouldn't want anyone to think I was working so hard on a blog post after just having a baby ;-)