Last summer I had the privilege of speaking at a state homeschool conference. On Friday, I led a few men’s workshops and offered the book, The Christian Home and Family Worship, for free to those who would commit to reading all ninety pages within thirty days of the event.
Saturday morning, one of the dads informed me that he had read the entire book the previous night. Before he left home for the second day of the conference, he spent some time with his eight-year-old daughter. He asked her if there was anything she would like to share with him so he could pray for her. She looked him in the eye and said, “Did you learn that at the conference?” The two of us looked at each other and burst into laughter.
However as I pondered his words, my heart was stirred. This short and wonderful father-daughter interaction spoke to me on several levels.
First, the dad diligently read the book in one evening and applied what he learned at the first opportunity. He was not only a hearer but a doer of the word—kudos to him.
Second, he has chosen to be a lifelong learner. He devoted two days to attend a conference to be a better husband and father and be with other kindred spirits who are seeking the same things. My eyes are welling with tears as I write these words. I love guys who invest time to be better servant leaders in their homes. May God bless and keep them!
Third, eight-year-old children don’t miss much. That precious child was right on target. She knew her parents were attending a conference and was not surprised when they were different at home as a result. What an impression her dad made on her as she witnessed this humble man learning and growing.
We read in Genesis that Abraham was ninety-nine years old and still being taught life lessons from His Heavenly Father. One of my sons told me that the most encouraging thing about me was that I am always learning and growing. May God help us to always be growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 3:18).
Jesus has another name for humble lifelong learners. He calls these committed individuals disciples. And they are not only disciples, but also brothers, sisters, and friends. “Whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” (Matthew 12:50) Another encouraging passage is John 15:14. “You are my friends if you do what I command you.”
I am looking forward to being with you in North Carolina this year. May our good God bless and keep us ever learning and growing.

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