My Goals for 2023: Week 1 of 52

This post contains affiliate links.  This first week of goals is a short one–just 5 days from the 1st of the year until I post on Friday.  I kept a goals log to keep my goals front and center in my life, but even then, I didn’t accomplish all I would like to this week.  I realize I need to tighten my schedule and become more purposeful with my time if I want to accomplish all 12 of these goals this year.

However, I did spend about six hours this week accomplishing a goal that wasn’t on this list–cleaning our basement.  When we moved in five months ago, we were still sick/recovering from COVID, and then our fall was hectic driving to Michigan to drop off Bookworm to college and traveling to Philadelphia and New York City.  Then there were the holidays.  Meanwhile, the basement kept getting worse and worse with clutter.  So, this week, since the girls were off school, I spent three days organizing it, and it looks and feels so much better!  I organized just in time because today a repair man is coming to fix two MORE basement cracks that are leaking thanks to the quick melt off of four feet of snow and a soaking rain that followed afterward.  (At least we start 2023 by doing one thing on our 10-year home improvement plan!)

My Goals for 2023

Personal Development

My kids are older now, so I have a bit more time to devote to personal development.  So, these are the items I’d like to accomplish this year:

Write in my journal for 150 days

.6% accomplished.  I wrote in my journal once this week.

Crochet an afghan for our bed

I didn’t crochet this week.

Try 52 new recipes

1.9% accomplished.  This week I made Baked Pork Tenderloin.  We loved it, but the meat required more cooking time than the recipe stated.

Read 30 books

2023 Reading Challenge

3.3% accomplished.  Cuddle Bug & I read Mission to Cathay.  I’m also deep into Stephen King’s Fairy Tale.  You can read what I have in store for my reading challenge in 2023 in this blog post.  I have read one book in 2023:

Mission to Cathay (review coming soon!)

Volunteer 100 or more hours

No volunteering this week.

Spend an average of two hours a week on researching my genealogy through June

No Ancestry work this week.


Since a few months into the pandemic, I’ve focused on getting healthier.  This year, I plan to complete the weight-loss component of that journey.

Follow Weight Watchers of Healthi to help me lose the last 40 pounds I need to lose

“Fail to plan, plan to fail.”  That was me this week.  I bought groceries on December 21st.  Then, the big blizzard hit on the 23rd, so we were snowed in for several days.  Then, once people could get out, they rushed to the grocery stores and emptied the shelves.  Since we still had groceries, I stayed home.  However, I didn’t get to resupply our groceries until this Tuesday night, 13 days after my last shopping trip, so this week was a Weight Watchers bust.  I’m planning on a cooking session tomorrow so I have everything I need in the house for success.

Exercise an average of 300 hours this year

My Goals for 2023

.4% accomplished.  I exercised for 1 hour and 20 minutes this week.

Adventure/Family Time

Bookworm is in college in Michigan and the girls are getting older, so my husband and I want to prioritize family time before we’re empty nesters.

Visit 26 attractions

Our Quick Trip to Rochester New York

3.8% accomplished.  This week we took a quick trip to Rochester.

Spend 1000 hours outdoors with the kids

.01% accomplished.  We spent 1 hour and 40 minutes outdoors this week.

I really don’t know if we’ll accomplish 1000 hours, but this goal is one that even if we fail, we win.  Because we have this goal, we’re consciously spending more time outdoors.

Organization/Home Management

I have felt unorganized since June when we started prepping for our move.  I really dislike feeling so scattered, so I’m plan to change that this year.

Spend an average of three hours a week on administrative homeschool tasks

No administrative work this week.

Get rid of 40 bags of clutter

7.5% complete.  While cleaning the basement, I packed up two bags of clutter and set aside one small table to get rid of, which I’ll count as a bag.

That’s it.  These are my ambitious goals for 2023. I’ll update them weekly as I have for the last several years.

What goals have you set for the new year?

Read More

My Goals for 2022

My Goals for 2021

The post My Goals for 2023: Week 1 of 52 appeared first on Mom's Plans.

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