We have a new addition to our free Montessori Printables collection! All new birds of Antarctica 3 Part Cards featuring photographs. If you are planning a winter theme, these free Antarctic birds printables will be a great addition.
Many of you incorporate Montessori methods into your homeschooling, as I did when my kids were younger. I hope you enjoy these new free printables! This printable pack is a great addition to your winter activities this winter season!
Looking for PENGUINS?
See our penguin 3 part cards below!

Want to learn more about the penguins? Download our free 3 part cards featuring real photographs of 17 different penguins!
Birds of Antarctica
This new set includes the other birds who spend time in/near Antarctica. This new free Antarctic bird nomenclature card set contains 12 different Antarctic birds. There are 12 different photographs with picture cards, label cards, and a control card.
- Antarctic Prion
- Antarctic Shag
- Antarctic Tern
- Cape Petrel
- Giant Petrel
- Great Shearwater
- Kelp Gull
- Light-mantled Albatross
- Snow Petrel
- Snowy Sheathbill
- South Polar Skua
- Wandering Albatross
Books About Antarctica
Be sure to expand your Antarctica unit with some Antarctica books either from the library or that you purchase. See some of our suggestions here!
Nomenclature cards are a Montessori-based idea. The word Nomenclature comes from the Latin “nomenclatura” which means assigning of names to things. Nomenclature cards are also called “3 part cards” for obvious reasons! Read here on our Montessori page to learn more! Montessori 3-part cards are wonderful for preschool, PreK, Kindergarten, and beyond. They require little prep work and are a great addition to a literacy center.

Click below to be taken to the page where you can download this free printable! Look for the word “Download” and click it!
More 3 Part Cards
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