I love this print of Our Lady Star of the Sea — I had just been listening to the chant of the Ave Maris Stella when Jamaica and I had a conversation about her sweet painting:

She has graciously offered to give one away to a winner here — please leave a comment and we will choose one winner at the end of the week!
The print is 9 x 11″ on heavy stock — it would be a wonderful graduation gift! I keep thinking of a young person setting up a new home… or for anyone who loves the various titles of Our Lady.

Jubilate Designs has some really fab earrings now too. Do go over to her shop to see!
(You can listen to the chant here. Traditionally it is sung at the end of Vespers).
Don’t forget your comment for a chance to win the print!
{Speaking of comments, please read the comment guidelines on the sidebar. If you are tempted to leave a comment that violates them, just know that I will delete it! As always, happy to discuss things in a civilized manner! MWAH!}
bits & pieces
- When you listen to the chant, above, and then listen to this Palestrina motet, you begin to understand how Christian culture is meant to be: the faithful soul humbly enters the Form that is given, and then (at the very best), is able to create something that radiates the beauty of it. This pattern is the one to pursue on every level, even if we are not Palestrina! God will provide the increase.
- The real Damien of Molokai — a well told account of his life and virtue that also serves as a sort of examination of conscience for how we approach each other when we fear sickness
- I don’t know if you heard that Loyola College re-named a dorm on the pretext that Flannery O’Connor was racist. A good take-down of their action: The ‘Cancelling’ of Flannery O’Connor? I would only add a serious caution that we are mistaken if we think that we are not open to the censure of future generations. The mere passage of time does not guarantee progress in “values” — certainly it doesn’t guarantee that we who have arrived here in the glorious present know how to read even the private correspondence of a thinker like O’Connor.
- Thomas Sowell — The Nonconformist. A longer, well written piece about a great thinker.
- Sanofi Pasteur Discontinues Aborted Fetal Polio Vaccine — and replaces it with a moral version!
- The Moral Case Against Mask Mandates And Other COVID Restrictions. Even if you think masks and so on are a good idea, it’s important to understand why, given human nature, they will not work when mandated.
- The Great Books Core Program from The Aquinas Institute offers a two-year online curriculum that initiates students into the great intellectual tradition of the Western world. Featuring real-time conversations, this program could be the answer to the uncertainties of in-person learning this year.
from the archives
To new readers: In order to finish up my book (based on this blog), I have pulled back on posting — BUT the archives are full of content on the remote and immediate preparations for educating children, not to mention just living family life! So do go poke around.
liturgical year
Today is the feast of St. Dominic — pray pray pray your Rosary!
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The boards of the others: Rosie’s Pinterest. Sukie’s Pinterest. Deirdre’s Pinterest. Habou’s Pinterest. Bridget’s Pinterest.
And the others on IG: Rosie’s Instagram. Sukie’s Instagram. Deirdre’s Instagram. Bridget’s Instagram.Habou’s Instagram.
The post Mary Star of the Sea giveaway with your {bits & pieces}! appeared first on Like Mother Like Daughter.