Living Books: Essential to a Student’s Appetite for Learning

Grandma’s counter was spread with salads, appetizers, main dishes, and desserts for the family meal. All the second cousins were vying for the coveted positions at the front of the line. The food was blessed and with excessive speed, the entire feast was devoured. It would be comical to suggest that the family needed to be coaxed into consuming the feast. Consider this: The old-fashioned, family get-together is to eating as “living books” are to educating. In home educating circles, the living book is an old concept, found in Charlotte Mason principles. The Charlotte Mason educational philosophy demands that information be communicated in well-written literature. One of the characteristics of a living book is its ability to powerfully influence the reader’s mind through a direct connection with the author’s mind. Living Books Go to the Source All the talk before the family reunion revolves around the food and who is ...

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