Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW.
Family time is super important to me, so I was excited to receive Lies Girls Believe and A Mom's Guide to Lies Girls Believe from True Girl. This study is geared for young girls aged 8-12. While Lies Girls Believe can be read independently by your daughter it is highly encouraged that the Mom reads the companion guide alongside them.
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This mother-daughter Bible study written by Dannah Gresh helps tweens identify some of the most common lies that girls believe and how to navigate them. E's softcover book is ~ 167 pages long. It is divided into 3 parts: Truth...or Problems, Lies Girls Believe and The Truth That Sets Them Free (Your Truth Lab) and The Truth That Sets You Free.
What are some of the lies covered in the book? The main 20 lies addressed in the book are:
- God only loves me when I'm good
- God is not enough
- I'm a Christian because...
- I'm not good enough
- Pretty girls are worth more
- I need more freedom
- My family is sooo weird
- My family is too broken for me to ever be happy
- My parents just don't get me
- My sin isn't that big a deal
- I don't need to tell anyone about my sin
- What I watch/listen to doesn't matter
- Boys and girls aren't really that different
- Getting my period is going to be awful
- It's okay to be boy crazy
- I don't need to talk to my mom about boys
- I don't have any friends
- It's okay to be mean
- It's not cool to JUST be a wife and mom
- I'm too young to...
I really love that Scripture is used to combat each of the previous lies. For example, taking the first lie, girls might be tempted to believe that God only loves them when they are good. However, in reality God loves them all the time, no matter what. This study directs them to Isaiah 43:4 and Romans 5:8 for two examples. This book is engaging and has a conversational feel to it. The illustrations, drawings and doodles are great and E loves all the color! She is really enjoying it.
While you don't have to have the Mom's companion guide I think it gives a greater depth to this study and can really help you connect and discuss the material together. The internal reflection is great as you can share both your struggles and triumphs with your daughter. There is so much great information in this book and it is a valuable resource. This is a well thought out study and I would definitely recommend it for you and your tween daughter!
Want to know more? Be sure to click on the banner below to visit the Homeschool Review Crew blog to read even more reviews of True Girl.