June was a bit of a shock to me I was still trying to catch up from May, and then June smacked me upside the head. I’m really trying to figure out how to not keep having this happen.
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June week 1

We started off June watching Oliver, because I’d heard the musical was a good adaptation of Oliver Twist, but we got all of 15 minutes in and just could not it was slow, the video was muddy looking, and no one liked the music.
So, I got my way and we switched to Oliver and Company, which is a much nicer version of Oliver Twist with almost all of the bad guys really being nice because Disney. Everyone agreed it was much less depressing than Oliver Twist was in general (yes, it had a happy ending for Oliver, but there was a lot of “ugh when will this get better?”).
We babysat the cousins, and I got this adorable picture of The Artist walking with her little cousin back from the park protecting her from the rain that most of May and early June had.
I stole a quick picture of my boys mowing the lawn. It was horrendously overgrown, because the days when we were home and able to mow the lawn it was raining, and the days events were scheduled and there was no way we’d ever be able to mow the lawn, it was bright and sunny. So FINALLY they got to mow the lawn.
We played Ex Libris, and I lost horribly to the boys, I think their score was double my score. It was truly horrible.
Week 2

The second week of June was church camp. The teens all worked hard to learn the Bible curriculum they would teach the next week. I worked with all of the 9th grade girls, and had a great discussion with all of them. I really enjoy seeing how they are growing up and maturing over time.
It was a lot of fun, but man was it tiring. The cafeteria was 1/2-3/4 of a mile away, so walking there 6 times a day and several of our other events were there, so I got an insane number of steps that week, if only I still had a Fitbit.
The camp had a mini golf course, so I convince the girls to come play with me, and my many years of semi-bad playing pulled off and I had the best score of everyone, primarily because most of them hadn’t really played before.
I did laugh because the campground had a “coffee club” which let adult volunteers come in and get coffee (or in my case hot water for tea) before the official breakfast time.
There are a ton more stories, but I learned as I attempted to tell them to Jeff, that they are only funny if you were there as he got this glaze eyed look as we attempted to retell it.
Then when we got back Leezard was so incredibly glad to see us, she spent so much time sitting on my lap or on me, and just making sure I knew she missed me.
June week 3

I’ve got this in a bit of a mess, but here we go.
Batman got the Touch of Evil 10th Anniversary game, so we’ve played that several times this month, and I didn’t even play all the times we played it together.
Then Jeff had a blast giving Leezard fries, but leaving them on her back, which completely confused her, and made everyone laugh.
Batman also started his first official job working in the kitchen at Sonic. While he likes making money, he’s not as thrilled with working the fry machines.
We made the Fat Rice recipe from Burkina Faso, which went over better than the previous chicken and rice dishes I’d tried recently.
Then we had the second session of The Artist’s gaming group, and celebrated one of the girl’s birthday. It was an awesome session, full of just what makes D&D so fun as there were so many improbably stories of things working that really shouldn’t.
June week 4

Last week was busy, not so much for me, but for the kids. It was kids club week, which are the top left, middle bottom, and the right picture. Ironically, I don’t have a picture of Superman at clubs, but I do have a couple of great pictures of The Artist and Batman. These are all from the church’s social media which is why I didn’t blur out other kids, they’re already publicly on FB. I super love the picture on the right just because of all the movement in it.
The top middle picture, The Artist and I went to go see one of her friends in the Music Man, and I took a picture of the building because it’s where my friend Sam went to high school and as we were walking in I realized I saw his high school production of the Music Man as well, which rather amused me. The costumes for the show were amazing and the main characters nailed their roles.
Since we had so many super similar meals as we raced to finish Europe, I decided we would go back to skipping around the continents, and would complete two countries per continent and then switch to the next continent. That means we started on North America this last week, and so we ate Costa Rica inspired empanadas, the blog I found basically said put whatever you want in there, and so I put in what I had and made roast beef and cheddar cheese empanadas. I attempted to make some dessert ones, but that went horribly.
And finally, Superman started work at Taco Bell on the same week, and most of his first two sessions of work were training, and we went and were quite obnoxious about ordering from him and taking pictures. Though, now that I think about it, I somehow missed those pictures as I was putting together this week’s collage. That’s disappointing.
And that was our June. July is starting off with a bang, with a new foster puppy. That’s been an exciting adventure.
How was your June?
The post June 2021 homeschool memories appeared first on Adventures in Mommydom.