I Spy #36

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Each week Lysha at A Camera and a Cookbook shares a set of prompts for photos. On Saturday she invites participants to share their photos in the I Spy 2021 linkup. This was a busy week and with everything going on, it was a challenge to even remember what the prompts were, never mind get photos!

- remembrance - I buy Black Rifle coffee regularly because it's good and because I love what the company stands for. This was the package I used this week. I thought about the firefighters (and others) that courageously ran towards danger on 9/11 twenty years ago every time I made a pot of coffee. 

- dainty - I noticed these dainty little clover leaves one day while carrying out laundry.

- heart - I lost the charms for this magnetic locket necklace awhile ago and I'm not sure where to get new ones.

- TV - thanks to the great basement flood cleanup of 2021, we are now one of those families with a TV in the dining room. It's been a challenge to find room for all the stuff temporarily displaced from downstairs!

- your choice - despite hard times and bad news and frustration, we really are so blessed. This decorative blessings jar was among the jumble of things on my counter, but I thought it was a good reminder to be grateful.

iSpy 2021 is hosted by Lysha at A Camera and a Cookbook. The idea is to challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone and do something different with your photos. Anyone can participate by taking five new photos during the week that fit the prompts. Link up during the week and have fun! 

This post will also be linked at Wordless Wednesday hosted by Life on Chickadee Lane.


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