I Spy #32

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Each week Lysha at A Camera and a Cookbook shares a set of prompts for photos. On Saturday she invites participants to share their photos in the I Spy 2021 linkup. This week's prompts seemed so easy, but I needed to think outside the box a bit for a couple of them, and I was pushed out of my comfort zone with one! 

- watch - we were under a severe thunderstorm warning one evening, and often those come with flash flood and tornado watch alerts as well. So we kept watching the skies! Thankfully nothing bad this time, although the thunder rolled constantly for about half an hour.

- selfie (summer - quarterly pic) - Like so many people, I'm not a fan of photos of myself, and I really don't like selfies. I have never had the knack of taking decent selfies, so whenever I want a group photo or a photo of me and my daughter, I get HER to do the honors. And I always like the result better than the ones I take. So at first, I took my selfie the way I usually do it - with my sunglasses on, and only the top half of my face . . . but then I decided I'd better play fair so I put up my sunglasses and got my whole face in the picture. 

- intersection - This was a much bigger challenge than I expected since we don't live in town, and I really didn't want to take pictures when I was driving in town! I was looking through some maps as we planned for vacation and realized maps are full of intersections. 

- hidden - We had new sliding doors installed in our dining room this week, and my son works for the contractor doing the work, so I felt very free to take pictures as the work progressed. Here's my son and his co-worker, partially hidden by the protective plastic. 

- your choice - This represents the joy of summer! We had a church picnic this week and the youth and kids (and a few adults) had so much fun on our giant waterslide.

Wait . . . since the summer selfie was a quarterly picture, does that mean I'll need to do an autumn selfie and winter selfie?! I'll begin mentally preparing now!

iSpy 2021 is hosted by Lysha at A Camera and a Cookbook. The idea is to challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone and do something different with your photos. Anyone can participate by taking five new photos during the week that fit the prompts. Link up during the week and have fun! 

This post will also be linked at Wordless Wednesday hosted by Life on Chickadee Lane.

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