I Spy #31

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Each week Lysha at A Camera and a Cookbook shares a set of prompts for photos. On Saturday she invites participants to share their photos in the I Spy 2021 linkup. This week's photos are brought to you by the letter B, as it turns out!

- bliss - My husband and I celebrated our anniversary at the beginning of the week. Thirty-four years of "wedded bliss" made this the obvious subject for this photo prompt!

- two of a kind - I haven't been able to get a good enough photo of the barn swallow couple that built their nest above a window on our porch to show the subtle difference between the male and female.  They usually take turns sitting on this wire but I happened to catch them sitting together one day.

- starts with B - A butterfly on the butterfly bush. If this was Scattergories, I'd get three points for this, right? And a bonus point for the barn swallows too.

- beginnings - what the beginnings of the days looked like this week, with varying amounts of fog. This sunrise was very clear, and very red, although the color didn't show up as brilliantly in the photo.

- your choice - I'll take another Scattergories bonus point or two for this one. Baby birds. I managed to sneak a peek into the barn swallow nest to check on the progress of the little ones. 

iSpy 2021 is hosted by Lysha at A Camera and a Cookbook. The idea is to challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone and do something different with your photos. Anyone can participate by taking five new photos during the week that fit the prompts. Link up during the week and have fun! 

This post will also be linked at Wordless Wednesday hosted by Life on Chickadee Lane.

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