How to Go From Surviving to Thriving in Any Season of Motherhood


How to Go From Surviving to Thriving in Any Season of Motherhood


Why You've Got to Listen to This Episode...

Today I’m talking with fellow podcaster and founder of Thriving in Motherhood, Jessica Jackson. After struggling through difficult pregnancies and other health challenges, she has discovered the tools to help moms go from surviving to thriving in any season of motherhood.

We’re talking about why you don’t have to struggle alone, how to choose which balls to drop, and why noticing your thoughts can help you live a life that is full of what you love most.

Moments You Don't Want to Miss

  • [3:59] Find out how Thriving in Motherhood got it's start during a mastermind of moms on the playground
  • [8:27] This is how cognitive behavioral therapy helped Jessica take more responsibility for her own thought life
  • [10:57] Check out the 5 Step Path to go from surviving to thriving in motherhood
  • [21:20] Listen to what changed for the Jackson family as they increased their income as Jessica was able to monetize Thriving in Motherhood
  • [28:07] Learn how you can let yourself off the hook for more of the "should" statements we battle every day as mamas
  • [31:13] Discover the habits that Jessica has helped her family practice that help them thrive most often
  • [37:14] Chelsea’s Top Takeaways

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Grab our free Family Money Values Template and create a strong foundation for your family’s healthy money habits!

Key Takeaways to Go From Surviving to Thriving in Any Season of Motherhood.

As always, we’ve rounded up our top three takeaways to summarize what we believe are the core points to remember from Jessica.

1 - Embrace the Concept of Slow to Stick

So often we want new habits and behaviors to just appear overnight. Sadly, it doesn’t work that quickly. Jessica’s reminder that we need to normalize the phase of introducing new routines and habits slowly and with grace for ourselves is so needed. Create one habit at a time and allow time for you and everyone else in your family to adjust.

Then celebrate the wins when they happen and course correct when needed. This is exactly what we talked about with budgeting. There’s no one size fits all to healthy habits, and you have to get started. But then be flexible enough to find what works for you.

2 - Catch Your Thoughts to Change Them

Cognitive behavior therapy is incredibly effective. If we want to change our habits or thoughts about ourselves or money behaviors, we have to get aware of how our thoughts are impacting our actions. Practice catching the thoughts of frustration while you’re doing other tasks and pause to scribble it down or make a voice note to reflect on them later.

Then, as Jessica said, you can ask yourself: is this frustration true? Could it be replaced with another thought or adjusted for next time? Staying aware of our thoughts is a practice and a muscle that we have to train if we want to go from surviving to thriving. But taking control of what narratives we allow to play out in our mind can lead to so much more joy and self love.

3 - There is No Prize for Suffering Through

If you’re struggling, there is a mama out there who has struggled like that before or struggling like that right now. Whatever you’re facing – anxiety, depression, meal planning, challenging behaviors, getting your kids to actually eat healthy foods – someone else is just a little farther ahead on the journey than you. They are anxious to reach back and help you in this season.
So find your community and be brave enough to ask for help. When you choose to get that help, you will be able to show up for your family in a bigger way sooner. Even more importantly to me, you can show up for yourself in a bigger way sooner. It’s okay, it’s hard, but you definitely don’t have to do it alone.

Links & Resources Mentioned

Connect with Jessica

Jessica Jackson is the host of the Thriving in Motherhood Podcast and creator of the Thriving in Motherhood Planner and Journal. After spending years cycling between extreme survival mode from difficult pregnancies and unexpected health challenges and truly thriving, she has created tools to empower her and other mothers to create a life they want to live.
She enjoys spending her days with her four young children: homeschooling, cargo biking, reading loads of books, and playing music. If she finds herself outside in good weather with friends she will completely forget all schedules and routines to soak up the moment as long as possible.

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The post How to Go From Surviving to Thriving in Any Season of Motherhood appeared first on Smart Money Mamas.

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