How Do Sailing Families Celebrate Birthdays?

How do sailing families celebrate birthdays? Let me back up…Some of our viewers are waiting for their children to leave the nest before they head out to sea. Others don’t want to wait – the kids are going to have to come! And many that are making plans to live on a boat will eventually have nieces, nephews or grandkids come to visit.

Most of us will have children on our boat at some point or another.

And some of the questions we get asked regarding children include socialization, homeschooling, safety and a big one is ‘how does a child survive being cooped up on a boat?’ (Not my words!)

Not dissimilar to children on land during Covid-19, boat kids have had to stay on their boat and practice social distancing. You’d think that it’s a worst-case scenario for a boat kid – wouldn’t you? No sailing, no kids, no nothing. Even swimming in tropical waters is no fun when you’re doing it alone! So, how do sailing families celebrate birthdays?

Now take your imagination a little further and pretend that you’re a boat kid turning 10 years old during COVID. Chances for a fun day are not high – are they?

Also, consider the parent’s side of things – how do you provide your child with a celebration when there are no shops open to buy things, no such thing as Amazon, nor is there anywhere you can go. Furthermore, you can’t invite outsiders over.

Discover what we did to make our daughter’s 10th birthday fun during Covid-19 while being cooped up on a boat. Find out just how terrible boat life can be (or not)…

How do sailing families celebrate birthdays video

If you’re interested in checking out all our sailing with kids or child-related articles and posts, please visit Kids On A Boat.

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Sailing Families Celebrate Birthdays

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