Homeschool writing lessons

I was updating an old post and went to link to a homeschool writing lesson landing page only to discover I hadn’t written one! Shock! HORROR! Pearl-clutching! That being said, there are so many great writing lessons you can have as a homeschooler, whether it’s learning how to write, writing curriculum, or writing prompts related to topics. I’ve got it all, so let’s get started.

homeschool writing lessons

(There might be affiliate links in here, I don’t know)

Homeschool writing curriculum

Over the years I’ve used many different homeschool writing curricula, some I’ve written about because I was asked to review it as a sponsored post or sought the curriculum out to review for a post, others I wrote about because we were using the curriculum and I find it helpful to know how other homeschoolers use a curriculum.

Writing lessons and curriculum for homeschoolers

Writing helps

I was all set to say I only needed three categories, and then I saw the very first post in this list, and I realized I needed the writing helps category.

homeschool writing lessons elementary middle high

Writing how-to lessons

A post in this category is what led to my realization I didn’t have this, OH NO! Anyway, there are a lot of writing how-to lessons that are not necessarily taught in the writing curriculum, because it is soft writing skills.

Soft writing skills are the ones you don’t really think about, that we all know how to do, but never really thought about learning how to do.

Or maybe, our teachers didn’t specifically teach us and just looked at us in confusion when we didn’t know how to do it.

Was that just me?

Many of these lessons are also included in the Homeschool How-To list.

homeschool writing lessons and curriculum

Homeschool Writing Prompts

These are various writing lessons with specific prompts, some you can adapt fairly easily to other lessons, but some are very specific to the lesson they refer to.

The post Homeschool writing lessons appeared first on Adventures in a Messy Life.

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