This week on Homeschoool Highschool Podcast: Handling Homeschool Fears, Interview with Homeschool Super Freak.
Handling Homeschool Fears, Interview with Homeschool Super Freak
We are so excited this week to have a chance to chat with a favorite new friend from social media. Vicki has been enjoying Homeschool Super Freak’s posts on Facebook, Homeschool Super Freak website and Parent Busters podcast episodes! So, Vicki contacted her and arranged for today’s interview about what to do with fears about homeschooling!
Homeschool Super Freak is Jacqueline Wilson and everyone who knows her knows how unstuffy and fun she is!
Parent Busters podcast is about having fun learning and sharing fun ideas for learning.
Jacqui’s daughter started out her education with traditional preschool. However, Jacqui always know that she wanted to homeschool her daughter. Jacqui comes from a healthcare background and was a college adjunct professor. Therefore, she had LOTS of research skills…so she researched, researched, researched form six months before she started homeschooling her preschool daughter. After six months of research, she was ready to start with lesson plans in a fat binder and an official school room. However, on their first official day of homeschooling, after only two hours, Jacqui knew that all her research was not going to work for her unique daughter!
Now, ten years later, she is still homeschooling…without the fat binder. Instead, she and her daughter plan an eclectic mix of online classes and unschooling.
Handling homeschool fears
After a decade of experience, Jacqui has learned some things that will help you increase your confidence that you CAN homeschool high school…in your unique way.
There’s not ONE blueprint that fits every family’s homeschool high school
Every parent and every teen is different. The beauty of homeschooling is that you can adapt your educational plans to fit your family’s unique needs and goals. So enjoy the process and freedom of homeschooling YOUR way!
Check out your state homeschool laws
Every state has different requirements. Some are more restrictive that others. Then start planning around those laws.
Do not worry if you have qualifications to teach
Research has shown that you do not need a teaching degree in order to have a successful homeschool. You only need to care and be committed to the homeschooling process. The cool thing is that you can learn alongside your teens!
Also, as you are homeschooling high schoolers, you really become a resource manager rather than a teacher. They will learn lots in online courses, co-op classes, library activities, podcasts and exploring topics on their own (earning credits by logging hours).
Do not worry about failing
There’s no perfect homeschool (also, there’s no perfect traditional school). People are imperfect. You will gain more confidence and skills as you go. You can model the resilience of bouncing back after a tough day or bad-fit curriculum. This gives them a growth mindset.
Let your teen have a say in how they want to be educated
Talk about their strengths and interests. Then, build a unit study around those strengths and interests BEFORE you start in on textbooks. This gives you an interesting hands-on experience to watch how your teens learn.
After your unit study, you will know more about what kind of curriculum your teens may want and need.
It will take ALL our time
In a traditional school setting, class time periods are LONG each day. However, learning can go much quicker in your homeschool because there is less wasted time changing courses and busywork.
(Check your state laws for attendance requirements.)
You can homeschool on your family rhythms
You do not need to have your teens up and sitting at a desk by 8:00am if they are not early birds. Instead, you can help your teens find their best times of day to do their academics. Some teens work best in the mornings. However, some teens would rather work in the afternoons or evenings. There’s not ONE right way!
Relax into the learning
As you believe that you can do it, you will find that you are relaxing into how to homeschool. Then you can allow your teen to teach you how they learn. Teens thrive when they have permission to be themselves and learn their way.
Plan together
Each summer, it is wise to sit with your homeschool high schooler and make plans together. Discuss state requirements as well as your teen’s interests and goals. (Remember, you do not HAVE to follow your local public school’s schedule.)
Check out colleges, military or trade skills in the area and list things those institutions are looking for.
Explore opportunities and desires for learning. Then make some plans that already have your teen’s buy-in!
Don’t be afraid to give teens a say in their education! They will have ownership of their education and you will both have more fun!
Remember, you will never cover everything
Life is never-ending education. If teens learn to love learning, then they will keep it going, even as adults.
Don’t forget life skills
Don’t get so stressed with academics that you forget to help your teens prepare for adulting. They will not always be doing academics but they will be using life skills, such as:
- Paying bills
- Doing chores
- Managing themselves
Those life skills are some of the most important things they will learn during their homeschool high school years.
You can find Jacqueline Wilson at:
- Homeschool Super Freak Facebook Group
Homeschool Super Freak website
- Check out all the cool resources and reviews there!
- Parent Busters Podcast
Homeschool high school? You can DO this! Join Vicki and Jacqui for a fun discussion for handling homeschool fears.
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HSHSP_324.mp3 (40:54, 47MB)