First Day of School 2021-22

Monday was our first day of school! This year, the top four children (grades 9, 7, 5, and 3) are enrolled at Regina Caeli Academy, a university-style homeschool hybrid that meets two full days per week. It will be radically different for me not designing my own homeschool curriculum--giving over control--but we think the structure, the spiritual formation, and socializing with other children will be worth it. 


Thomas and David will be home full-time with me. Thomas would very much wish to be with all these other kids at RCA, but we need him primarily to gain weight so figuring out how to get him stronger has to be our focus. Thomas was thrilled to do his first grade subjects with me on Monday.

In perfect fashion, Thomas actually had some tests of his GI reconstruction scheduled at the children's hospital on our first day of school. Daddy got the other children to RCA and I was with Thomas at the hospital all morning. What a strange life! We ended up doing our first grade in the afternoon and all was well.

In fact, we have a dozen medical appointments--most at the hospital--during the first three weeks of school, exemplifying in part why Mr. Thomas will be home with me and not in-person at school two days weekly! How I'm going to successfully teach the RCA curriculum to five grades at home when I'm gone so much is in the hands of God, so please say a prayer for me!

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