When I was teaching in the public school, I had to take 12 hours of professional development classes each summer. PD classes can also be called continuing education or career training. The purpose is to keep someone up-to-date on techniques, teach them something new, and/or encourage passion for their job.
Homeschooling is a job – and an important one at that! While no one forces us to participate in professional development classes, it’s still a very good idea for homeschool parents to complete at least a little continuing education each year.
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Whether you want to learn something new, figure out how to help a child’s learning challenge, or just rejuvenate your mojo, there are several easy things you can do during the summer – or any time of the year.
Homeschool Professional Development
1. Read a book. From homeschool encouragement and how-tos all the way to parenting and special needs, you can find a book about that! Click here to see a list of some of my favorites. (Several are available on audio, too!)
2. Listen to a podcast. Podcasts are a nice way to get in free, bite-size information on all sorts of topics. I’ve enjoyed each and every one of these podcast conversations.
3. Attend a conference.
Continue reading Easy and Inexpensive Ideas for Homeschool Professional Development at Our Journey Westward. |