Each Homeschool High Schooler is Unique, Interview with Sue Sobszak

Each Homeschool High Schooler is Unique, Interview with Sue Sobszak.

Each Homeschool High Schooler is Unique, Interview with Sue Sobszak

Each Homeschool High Schooler is Unique, Interview with Sue Sobszak

We love those times we can connect with a good friend on the podcast. This week we were able to catch our old friend, Sue Sobszak, to talk about respecting and working with each teen’s uniquenesses.

We met Sue at our beloved 2:1 Conference (a conference for Christian homeschool bloggers) years ago! Sue was one of those folks that just instantly becomes a friend. She is warm and determined and smiles a lot!

Sue and her husband are retired military. As a military family, they have moved around a lot, of course. Because they were moving around so much, Sue’s mother thought that homeschooling would be a good option for their kids, so she suggested it to her husband. Then he came to Sue and suggested homeschooling! That is how they got started!

Their reasons for starting to homeschool when her oldest was very young because they thought their shy child would do better learning at home. Not only that, but they wanted to educate him in the faith as well as core academics.

Then they had a child every two years for ten years, then a sixth child later. That gave them lots of children to educate! So, Sue and her husband homeschooled her kids on four continents and a number of states. Thus, their kids are well-traveled homeschoolers.

Now, four of her kids have graduated homeschooling high school- and report that they were glad that they had homeschooled.

Sue is a respecter of uniqueness and wants to help each homeschool high schooler develop their interests

She has six very different kids with very different interests. Sue sees these differences as gifts, so she works to help teens discover and develop interests.

While each of her kids are different, Sue started out homeschooling high school with a more traditional approach for her oldest. That is because she was new to homeschooling a teen and also, she liked the Classical approach and wanted to try it with him. However, he did have some unique things on his transcript such as a government camp that he attended over the summer. BTW- he is in the military after finishing college through ROTC . (For information on what military recruiters are looking for, check out this Homeschool Highschool Podcast episode.)

Then when her second son started homeschooling high school, she thought he wanted to go into a wellness field. With that in mind, they were able to get him a job at a wellness center during high school and count it as an internship on the transcript. Afterwards, he gave a presentation to his homeschool co-op about it. Because he had spent time in the field, at the end of the school year, he realized that wellness was not the field for him. (That’s one reason we do internships– to weed out poor-fit jobs.)

That son is a successful entrepreneur after graduating college in two years! He is happy in his field. (BTW- for tips from another homeschool graduate who is now an entrepreneur, check out this interview with our friend, Samantha Shank.)

Her third child had some reading difficulties when she was younger. Therefore, through high school they used a reading app for struggling readers that she was able to use for her books and textbooks. She is NOW an English Literature major in college! That is because she learned that she can read anyway that works for her- and she loves reading and writing in college.

Her fourth child is is college now also. During his homeschool high school years, they were stationed in Germany. While he was there, he developed an interest in film. There Sue found a film camp for teens from all over Europe. That certainly added sparkle to his transcript.

Not only did he do his film camp, Sue was able to arrange an internship with Armed Forces Radio. There, he found a love for communications.

If there is something you would like to do with your kids or for them, ask. There's a possibility that they will say,

How does Sue get these internships for her teens? She asks! So, Sue’s advice is:

If there is something you would like to do with your kids or for them, ask. There’s a possibility that they will say, “yes”! And no harm done if they say, “no”!

For instance, Sue wanted to try a flight simulator. So she asked at the local flight training school and they said, “yes”! Therefore, she and her kids got to try one out.

Each homeschool high schooler is unique, so each has had different experiences throughout their educations. For instance, not only have her teens done internships but they have also done programs as they fit her teens’ interests, such as:

Sue’s youngest is unique in that she wants to graduate early. While none of her other teens had wanted to do this, Sue is being flexible with this teen. Right now, they are working on plans to get all her credits in so that she can finish high school at the end of her junior year.

Final thought: Each teen is different. Uniqueness is a gift from God. Therefore you can lean into these gifts and enjoy each homeschool high schooler’s uniqueness.

Now that Sue has fewer high schoolers, she has been investing back into the homeschool community by sharing courses. She is also doing life coaching.

You can find Sue at:

Join Vicki and Sue for a story-filled, encouraging talk about developing teens’ uniquenesses!


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Each Homeschool High Schooler is Unique, Interview with Sue Sobszak

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