Digital Learning Reference Guide

The last couple of years have seen remarkable changes in the entire education landscape. “One thing that has yet to be done, however, is to come together with a clear strategy predicated on the actual tech transformation destination. It’s hard to coordinate tactics if there is no unified comprehensive goal,” according to leaders at The Learning Counsel, a research institute providing K-12 and Higher Education context on the continuing shift to digital curriculum. 

According to The Learning Counsel, all during the pandemic, parents and students have continued their shopping for digital learning. At an estimated total of $28.5 billion and a 15 percent growth rate, American consumers spent almost twice as much on digital learning apps and resources as schools spent. Major gainers on the consumer side include full subscription curriculum for homeschoolers. Many companies who normally sold to schools created or expanded consumer sales in recent years and have been seeing explosive growth. The pandemic taught all parents that at least some learning can be done remotely with digital devices. Many students flourished in this environment, but not all.

Trends driven by mobile devices like Internet retailing, internet banking, remote work, the “Gig economy” of self-employed including Uber/Lyft drivers, and a revolution in shipping logistics have also taught us that the old world of “place” can be irrelevant for a significant portion of interactions, if not all.

Expectations of flexible time or just-in-time interaction and 24/7 access have penetrated every industry – including education. The experience of life has drastically changed, including the fact that when humans are physically together, they increasingly feel there should be a meaningful reason to be together. Togetherness is evaluated and positioned against not-togetherness-but-digitally connected, a cultural outcome of all the tech trends. The togetherness should be a good quality experience, a precise and personalized activity. This view of togetherness could be said to be “transactional,” and creates a hidden tension affecting schools who are structured for more long form and time-consuming interaction.

In this free Digital Learning Reference Guide, you’ll learn the roles needed by both Administrators and Teachers, as well as the stages along the way as you progress to your school or district’s own Tech Transformation. And most importantly, you’ll understand the destination in detail – because if you don’t know where your harbor is, no wind is the right one. Also in this report, you’ll get the most up to date version of the EduJedi Dictionary, exhaustively crafted by top EduJedi to help you understand the tech landscape. To download your free EduJedi Digital Learning Reference Guide, click here.

The post Digital Learning Reference Guide appeared first on EdTech Digest.

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