Cultivating Homeschool Friendships

Photo Courtesy runffwpu

Teaching your child how to be a good friend is an important part of their social development. The Bible says that a friend refreshes the soul (Proverbs 27:9) and loves at all times (Proverbs 17:17). In fact, some friends even stick closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24). Friendship is a gift! And homeschool friendships are among the most cherished blessings of a home education.

But making friends doesn’t come as easily for some kids as it does for others. The good news is that whether your children are the ones who make friends easily or the ones who need extra help, parents can teach their children how to be good friends by modeling healthy friendships and talking about what a good friend looks like. To make it easier for your child to remember, try relating your values to the five senses:

Sight: A good friend sees someone who is left out and includes them. Good friends look out for others.
Sound: A friend listens, and she knows that no one likes the sound of arguing, grumbling, or complaining.
Speech: Good friends speak words that are kind and true. They build others up, and they talk about things that are appropriate.
Hands: Is there trash to clean up, or something to put away? Friends are willing to lend a hand! Friends also know how to share, when to give a gift, a hug, or just wave and smile.
Knows: Not nose… knows! A good friend does what he knows is right, even if others don’t notice. Loving our neighbors as ourselves means that we are willing to put them first, play fair, and laugh with them.

Of course you’ll have ideals of your own to add, but you get the idea! And even if your child arrives at co-op or the library only to be a not-so-good friend, take heart! There’s still a chance for you to teach them another important facet of friendship: how to apologize and ask for forgiveness.

The most called upon prerequisite of a friend is an accessible ear. – Maya Angelou

The post Cultivating Homeschool Friendships appeared first on North Carolinians for Home Education.

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