Create Powerful Homeschool Transcripts by Combining Credits

This week on Homeschool Highschool Podcast: Powerful Homeschool Transcripts by Combining Credits.

Create Powerful Homeschool Transcripts by Combining Credits. Use integrated-learning style combined credits to build a college-attractive transcript.

Create Powerful Homeschool Transcripts by Combining Credits

One of the ways to build a college-attractive transcript is to develop credits that have what college admissions officers call “sparkle” or “pop”. These are credits that show that your homeschool high schooler has worked on exploring interests and developing talents.

We at 7Sisters help our teens develop some sparkle on their homeschool transcripts by combining credits. (You might call it “integrated learning” or even high-school level unit studies.) Join Vicki today as she give an example of some ways one of her homeschool high schoolers combined credits for a powerful transcript.

Vicki’s youngest son, Seth, has graduated from high school now, but when he was a teen, he was part of his church’s worship team. He played guitar, sang and sometimes, led worship. As adolescents will do, he asked probing questions like:

  • Why do we sing the kinds of songs we sing at our non-denominational church?
  • Why do some churches have different kinds of music? Some have hymns with organ and piano. Some sing a cappella hymns…or chants.
  • What’s the right kind of music?
  • How did we get to this kind of music?

Asking questions is a developmentally appropriate part of adolescents (have your teen take a Human Development course to understand this). So we leaned into his questions by spending several years exploring:

  • His Christian faith
  • The history of Christian music
  • The theory and skills of music

We integrated many of Seth’s high school courses around his Christian Music questions (since these questions defined his interests).

There's not just ONE way to create meaningful credits for a powerful transcript.

We have done this concept of combining credits (or integrated learning) in our other classes.

For instance, I had a goal of developing thinking skills in my homeschool high schoolers, so wanted them to learn Philosophy.

A simple Life Skills elective by combining credits that several of my homeschool high schoolers completed:

Check these other ways we have combined credits with our homeschool high schoolers.

BTW- How did it all turn out? Seth is a college graduate now, works as an elementary school’s music teacher and leads worship at his church.

Join Vicki for an informative episode on Combining Credits. And while you are at it, 7SistersHomeschool Facebook group is a great place to join and ask questions. SO would you join us there, too?


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Powerful Homeschool Transcripts by Combining Credits

The post Create Powerful Homeschool Transcripts by Combining Credits appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.

HSHSP_211.mp3 (12:49, 12MB)

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