Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: Meet Me on the Porch by Erin Stevenson

Book: Meet Me on the Porch

Author: Erin Stevenson

Genre: Christian fiction

Release date: May 13, 2022

Brynne Lockwood has come home to Brattleboro, Vermont after a humiliating job loss. She’s weary and broken, and still hasn’t truly forgiven herself for a former unhealthy relationship with long-lasting consequences. She doesn’t believe that she deserves anything good and can’t imagine that God could ever use her.

After recovering from a shattering loss, Pastor Adam Johnston is on his way to a new assignment. A mix-up takes him and his baby daughter to beautiful southern Vermont. If he stays, he’ll face opposition, but God has prepared his heart for ministry, and he’s committed to serving there.

Adam and Brynne connect quickly and unexpectedly, but circumstances demand that they be cautious.

Now, you are invited to join Adam and Brynne on the porch at her grandparents’ home—a special place where you’ll experience their joy as Adam and Brynne build a friendship rooted in Biblical principles, find healing for their wounds, and discover God’s plan for their lives.


Click here to get your copy!

Christian Fiction books are one of my favorite genres. Meet Me on the Porch by Erin Stevenson is a Christian Fiction Romance book and I was excited to read it. 

Brynne Lockwood recently lost her job and decides to come back Home to Brattleboro, Vermont. She is mad at herself for things that happened and circumstances that will have consequences for a long time. She is questioning her faith and if God really has plans for her in the future. Pastor Adam Johnston is heading to a new Pastoral assignment. He and his baby daughter are looking forward to starting a new chapter in life after a tragic loss. The paperwork he was given lands him at the wrong congregation in Vermont. The congregation is unsure about having a Single Father as their pastor. Pastor Adam knows that God has bought him here for a reason and he remains strong and wants to stay in this Congregation. Pastor Adam and his young daughter are staying at the B&B owned by Brynne's Grandparents. Adam and Brynne quickly strike up a friendship and spend much time on the porch of the B&B. They both realize that they have deep feelings for one another, but they also want God to lead their relationship. Will Pastor Adam's congregation give him a chance? Will Brynne and Adam find God drawing them together in a relationship? 

Awww, this book was such a sweet Romance story! I was engaged in the storyline from the beginning and truly enjoyed it. I like how the author takes 2 broken people, Brynne with her job loss and Adam with his tragic loss and becoming a widower, and shows them that God's plan is always greater than our plans. Brynne has guilt from her past that has to be overcome and I like how the author addresses the issue with grace. Adam is at a point in his life where he never thought he would be. Losing his wife he didn't think he could ever love again. The story is one of 2 lost people trying to "find their place in the world" after loss. I HIGHLY recommend this book! FANTASTIC BOOK! 

Erin has been writing fiction since 2014 and is published independently and with Pelican Book Group and Winged Publications. She is a 2021 American Christian Fiction Writers Carol Award Finalist.

Erin was raised in Illinois and has lived in many places in the U.S., including on both coasts, but is a Midwest girl at heart. She spent many years as an educator from pre-school through college levels, and currently works in communications for a global corporation.

When she’s not writing, Erin loves spending time with her children and grandchildren, and playing in the garden (which equates to mostly pulling weeds) at her central Iowa home. Her secret indulgence is plain M&Ms.


More from Erin

This book is part of Pelican Book Group’s Destination Romance collection, one set in each of the 50 US states. There were three random objects required to be worked into the plot: lace, shampoo, and a shovel. The twist was that they had to be presented in an interesting way—not, for instance, “Brynne was disappointed to discover that her favorite shampoo was out of stock.”


Here’s an excerpt of how I incorporated shampoo into this story:


Adam led her to the swing. After she sat, he set the mug on the table, then picked up a bulky case and placed it on top.

“What’s that?”

Adam smiled. “This is my sample case. Allow me to show you my display of shampoos.”


“Yes. I have orange blossom, lemon verbena, strawberry vanilla.” He lifted out each bottle and lined them up. At least six more followed, each a different scent. “And this one is—um, oh, sorry, that’s for lice.” He grimaced.

Brynne nearly spewed her drink. “Adam Johnston, what are you doing?”

“I’m a shampoo salesman.” He lifted a shoulder. “Last night you said you would date me if I was a pilot or a shampoo salesman.” He sighed. “I’m terrified of flying.”

She had to hold her laughter as she put her hand over her heart. “You are beyond cute. Where did you get all this stuff?” A giggle escaped.

He let out a sigh. “It wasn’t easy, believe me,” he muttered.

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To celebrate her tour, Erin is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card & copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


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