August 2022 Share Four Somethings

If you remember last month’s Share Four Somethings post, you’ll recall I was writing it from the mall’s food court while my kids were enjoying a free summer movie. To continue with the “write when you can” theme, I am currently at a new-to-me library directly across the street from the soccer fields where my boys are practicing. August passed by in the blink of an eye, and I’m not quite ready to say goodbye. Nevertheless, August held some wonderful summer memories, so let’s get to August 2022 Share Four Somethings!


August 2022 Share Four Somethings link up!

(Product links are affiliate links. Please read my full disclosure here.)


What is Share Four Somethings?

Share Four Somethings is a monthly link-up that I started back in 2018. The concept is to share the same four topics every month as a way to look back and recap your month. While some topics have changed over the years, some have remained. (I’m looking at you, Something Loved!) I have enjoyed this monthly reflection as well as getting to know the others who have joined me on this adventure.

The link-up opens on the 4th Saturday of every month and stays open for one week. The topics for 2022 are Something Loved, Something Gleaned, Something Braved (and NEW option Something Saved), and Something Achieved. If you want to learn a little more about the topics we will be writing about in 2022; you can read more about them at Share Four Somethings in 2022.


Something Loved

The beach is one of my absolute favorite things, and the Jersey shore is the best of the best. We made a trip to New Jersey earlier this month to see my family. We had a great time seeing and visiting with family, eating crabs and Jersey corn, riding waves, going to the boardwalk, and riding a couple of rides. It was a short trip but we packed a lot in!

Also, while there, we went to the Sight and Sound Theatre in Lancaster, PA, and saw their production of David. It was phenomenal! I’ve discovered over this past year how much I enjoy live theatre, and this show was so good! They even use live animals in the show, and the performances are family-friendly. My whole family loved it!!

Another thing we all loved was this game – Shotgun! It is a very fun and interactive road trip game! If you have a road trip coming up with family or friends, I can’t recommend this enough!

August 2022 Share Four Somethings - Something Loved


Something Gleaned

I’ve heard so many wonderful things about The Lazy Genius Way, I figured it was finally time for me to give it a read! I really enjoyed Kendra’s wit and simplicity in her writing. It was so down-to-earth, and I looked forward to reading it every time I picked it up. I did my best not to barrel my way through it and only read one chapter/principal a day so I could allow time to absorb. Adachi’s main philosophy is, “Be a genius about the things that matter (to you) and lazy about the things that don’t”. Come to find out, I am a genius! LOL. No, but seriously, I think I enjoyed the book so much because it was an affirmation to many of the practices I already have in place. Kenra recently released The Lazy Genius Kitchen, and I look forward to reading that one too.


August Share Four Somethings - Something Gleaned



Something Braved or Saved

I was scrolling Instagram one day, and I had an ad for this new book series, so I took a screenshot. (I know, I need to get better at using the save function on Insta!) A few days after I took the screenshot, my son ran out of books to read on our trip to NJ, so I was able to purchase the kindle version for him to read on the way home. He really enjoyed it, and I have kept the screenshot as a reminder to check with our local library to see if they will be able to carry this new series. Since we have become National Park buffs these past two years we are really excited about this book series.


August 2022 Share Four Somethings - Something Gleaned


Something Achieved

This may not seem like a huge deal, but… all of our curriculum for this coming school year has been purchased!! Woo Hoo!! And considering my travel schedule these past few months, it really was like a Tetris game figuring out when to order items based on delivery schedules and when we would be home to receive the packages. LOL. Next week is my full-out planning week for the coming year, and we will officially start the week of Labor Day. Unfortunately, like many times when I was growing up – the first day of our co-op falls on my birthday, but it’s all good; it just means I get to stretch my birthday over a couple of days.



Share Four Somethings Link Up for August 2022

Now it’s time for the fun! Here is where you link up your Share Four Somethings post! Click the blue box below to link up your Share Four Somethings post. The next link-up will be on September 24, 2022.

**Also, I would love to promote your posts on Instagram and Facebook, so if you share about them, please tag me so I can share them too.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

The post August 2022 Share Four Somethings appeared first on Heather Gerwing.

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