April 2020 Share Four Somethings

When I began to think about this post, I wondered if I would have anything to share with you. I mean, let’s be real – not a whole lot has been going on recently – personally. What was initially a shelter in place order until April 13th, was pushed to April 30th, and as of yesterday, now May 15th. However, I quickly dissipated that notion and that even though there is so much chaos going on in the world, there is still good life happening, and I am here for it! Moreso, I am thankful for this community who joins me each month in reflecting on our share four somethings! Here’s to April! Full of showers and somethings!


April 2020 Share Four Somethings

(Product links are affiliate links. Read my full disclosure here.)


April 2020 Share Four Somethings

Welcome to Share Four Somethings! I am so glad you are here! Share Four Somethings is a monthly link-up where we share four “somethings.” Something Loved, Something Read, Something Treasured, and Something Ahead. Sharing these four somethings is a great way to recap your month and highlight what stood out to you. It helps me to pause and reflect on the month. I hope you will link up your #sharefoursomethings blog post, or if you don’t have a blog, leave your four somethings in the comments. I would love to read them. Now, on to the good stuff!


Something Loved

I am about to get real personal with you guys. When I thought about what I have been loving recently, what I am about to share with you came to mind immediately. However, it was quickly followed by the thought that I couldn’t possibly share it with you. Too vain. Too personal. For sure, too revealing. I convinced myself I couldn’t share it with you, and I would come up with something else. Then, I said, SCREW IT! I want to be real with y’all. Authentic. So here is the deal. I color my hair. And here is the reason why – I am 100% gray.

Now, while I know women in there 40’s who are rocking a whole head of silver, I personally am not ready for it. My KIDS are not ready for it. Since we have been quarantining (that’s a verb now, right?), I have not colored my roots. The gray is fierce. While I am not using color on my hair, this root cover-up spray (I use light brown) is saving my vanity these days. The spray lasts until my next wash and does a fantastic job of covering the gray. Below is a before and after picture. Even before quarantining, I relied heavily on this between coloring. It is a lifesaver. There, now you know!


Something Loved

I can’t believe I just did this!


Something Read

One of the upsides to quarantining is upping my book reading game! Last month, I mentioned that I was taking a break from social media for a few weeks. So that coupled with not having to leave the house, I have been reading a lot more! Here is a brief recap on what I have read:

The Call of the Wild and Free – this is a phenomenal book on homeschooling! I started listening to it on Hoopla, and by the 4th chapter, I had already ordered the hard copy on Amazon. If you are a homeschooler or considering it, I highly recommend this book!

Chasing Slow – While I found the beginning interesting, I struggled through the second half. Not to be all punny, but it was slow. I only gave it three stars.

52 Uncommon Ways to Unwind Together – This book is packed with fun ideas for couples to break away from the mundane and try new ways to unwind and relax together. Whether it is planning your dream vacation, making a video while dancing in the rain, or people watching, this book provides fun ideas for how to make the experience work for you and then also adds the key element – weaving the third strand. Each idea weaves a scripture for reflection and questions to discuss. 52 Uncommon Ways to Unwind together provides imaginative ideas to help break from the routine.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban – We are on book 3 of the Harry Potter series. We have been enjoying listening to a chapter in the evening a couple of times a week. Again, another blessing coming out of all the time at home.

Fierce Free and Full of Fire – Jen’s newest book released this past week, and I am sure it will be another best-seller. I don’t align with Jen in all areas (does anyone really align with somebody 100%); however, there was a lot that I resonated with within this book. Jen doesn’t sugar coat anything, and I admire her for it.

The Art of Racing in the Rain – it was refreshing to get lost in a fiction book. I devoured this book in a couple of days. I am looking forward to watching the movie now. But we all know — the book is always better!


April 2020 Something Read


Something Treasured

We are truly enjoying the slow life and the time we can spend together as a family. I am praying that families across America are cherishing this time together. We are listening to audiobooks, doing puzzles, and playing a ton of games. Another thing we have done this month that I am treasuring is spending time out at our property. We had a glorious 70-degree day in early April, and the kids and I went to the property to just enjoy it. No work, just play. The kids spent hours roaming the woods, and I put up my hammock and read a book. We all went out again another day just to hike the woods some. While we have spent many hours at the property is has mostly been work – so it has been nice just to enjoy it this month.

April 2020 Something Treasured


Something Ahead

As I mentioned earlier, our shelter in place is now through May 15th. It’s tough to think and plan ahead with all that is going on in the world. However, one thing I know we will be doing is spending more time out at the property. Even though the current situation has it that we can’t start building our house, we are planning on getting the treehouse built! We have the location and trees picked out, and my husband has even designed it in an online sketch-up program. The kids are super excited to get it built! I think it will be great to have in place for when we are spending more time out there when we do start to build. It was recently announced that our boy’s spring soccer program was canceled, so that means our Saturdays are free for treehouse building.


April Share Four Somethings Link-up #sharefoursomethings

It’s your turn to share! Link to your April Share Four Somethings #sharefoursomethings post or leave them in the comments! This link-up is for anyone and everyone who wants to share their Something Loved, Something Read, Something Treasured, and Something Ahead with others! Click on the blue link box to add your link. The link-up will remain open for one week. The next link-up will be on May 23rd, 2020.


You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Share Four Somethings


Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”





The post April 2020 Share Four Somethings appeared first on Heather Gerwing.

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