50 Quotes About Decluttering to Inspire You

50 Quotes About Decluttering to Inspire You

Is your home cluttered and crammed full of stuff? If so, I’ve put together this collection of my favorite quotes about decluttering to help motivate you in your decluttering journey!

If you’re running out of home storage space due to all the clutter, you’re not alone. In fact, nearly 50% of Americans say they have too much stuff, according to one survey.

Having seven people in my smaller home with less square feet than we ideally need, I know what it’s like having to constantly deal with too much clutter.

Particularly with my husband working from home, and homeschooling my five kids, trying to keep an organized home involves a lot of never-ending hard work!

A Decluttering Mindset: More Than Inspirational Quotes

One thing to keep in mind is that a cluttered mind often leads to physical clutter. Bad habits, old ideas, and disorganized thoughts are some of the best friends of clutter.

Learning to think more clearly about organization and simpler living has several benefits.

Coming up with practical ways to get rid of excess–and organize the rest–can promote a sense of inner calm and peace in our lives.

Continue reading 50 Quotes About Decluttering to Inspire You at Artful Homemaking.

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